
Carol - 2007-05-09 10:18:02
When a person has chronic pain or chronic illness, I think people just expect you to live with it and suffer quietly. I know how you feel.
Kim - 2007-05-09 11:44:24
"Notes on a Scandal" is very good, no? But kind of a downer on so many levels. Drama? Yelping in pain is NOT being a drama queen. I don't think people can relate to chronic pain or ongoing illness unless they've suffered through it themselves.
hil - 2007-05-09 12:13:45
Here's another way to look at it,"so what if people think I'm a drama queen?" You don't have to please other people all the time! Your feelings are as valid as anyone else's.
Bex - 2007-05-09 12:27:33
Of ALL people, you own mother should be sympathetic and supportive of you, no matter WHAT you do! Shame on her. I am dying to see "Notes..." Let us know how you liked it. I can't stand up for more than 10 mins. either. Making dinner every night is done in stages with my handy-dandy kitchen stool nearby.
Sasha - 2007-05-09 15:43:44
I think some people still have trouble understanding chronic pain and the fact that it is very real. You are so -not- a drama queen, Stephanie. But I understand how a comment like that can be especially hurtful and frustrating because it's coming from your own -mother-. *sigh*
sdg - 2007-05-09 16:24:45
Dont waste your time with Notes... it can be rented... GO SEE HOT FUZZ! :D And yes... Enders Game is waaay worth the read. Its painful, makes you remember how hard it was to grow up, and will make you ache for the main character. BUT... its also a fantastic story of overcoming adversity. AND there are many stories to read after the first one :D. Pick it up. :P
Stephanie - 2007-05-09 17:41:38
sdg - I only paid $2.00 to see the movie (less than the price of a rental), and it was SO worth it!
housey - 2007-05-09 23:17:34
we must both have the same mom, mine gets as unsympathetic as yours when it comes to seeing people in pain. the only thing that i assume with that is that it makes them feel powerless as to know how to solve the problem so maybe denying it is the way that they cope. sadly, we cant do that with our pain, not nearly as readily as they can. hugs, debbie

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